Medicare Enrollment Periods for Plan Year 2012
August 25, 2011
[Your Name Here] in Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug

This year changes have been made to the Medicare Enrollment Periods.  What is a Medicare Enrollment Period?  If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Prescription Drug Plan, there are only certain periods during the year in which you may make changes to your plans.  Baring any special circumstances these periods are as follow:

There are small nuances to the above periods, as well as many other "Special Election Periods" If you feel that you may have a special circumstance that would allow you to enroll or disenroll from a Medicare Advantage Plan or Prescription Drug Plan and you would like to speak with us more about your potential options, please feel free to call (800-817-98223) or email ( us anytime.

Article originally appeared on Tweedy Insurance Group (
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