MADP Ends Feb 14th
January 2, 2012
[Your Name Here] in Medicare Advantage

So what is MADP?  MADP stands for "Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period".  Medicare Advantage Plans have certain windows, or election periods, in which you can enroll, disenroll, or make changes.  The main election period is the Annual Election Period which occurs between October 15th and December 7th.  Last year Medicare created another election period -  the MADP.  This period allows someone enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan (MA Plan) to disenroll and return to Original Medicare.  Here are some general guidelines about what you may and may not do during this time.

When a member returns to Original Medicare there may be an opportunity to purchase a Medicare Supplement which can cover many, if not all, the Medicare copayments and coinsurance.  Although most Medicare Supplement providers require a short health questionnaire to be completed, there are many circumstances that may allow a person to purchase a supplement without ANY medical underwriting.  If you have questions about this enrollment period, or if you would like to see if you qualify for a Medicare Supplement, please call (800-817-9223) or email ( us - we'd love to chat with you any time.

Article originally appeared on Tweedy Insurance Group (
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