The ABC's of Diabetes
May 26, 2011
[Your Name Here] in Wellness

Diabetes is a serious illness that affects almost every part of the body. Good diabetes management can relieve daily symptoms and even help prevent other health problems such as heart disease, stroke and nerve damage, along with vision and kidney problems.  Has your doctor diagnosed you with diabetes? Then ask your doctor about these three checks.

A1c: Diabetes is characterized by abnormally high blood glucose levels. An A1c test reveals your blood sugar levels over the past three months.  A score of 7 or less is typically an ideal level, but you’ll want to discuss your results with your doctor.  Your doctor can also tell you if you need regular A1c testing.

Blood Pressure: The goal for most people with diabetes is a blood pressure reading below 130 over 80.  Do you know yours?  It’s important to track your blood pressure closely because an increased number can lead to heart attack or stroke. Your doctor should check your blood pressure at every visit, or at least annually.

Cholesterol: Like high blood pressure, cholesterol build up can cause a heart attack or stroke. On average, your LDL, the bad cholesterol, should be less than 100.  Your HDL, the good cholesterol, should be more than 40.  Ask your doctor how often you should check your cholesterol levels.

* source: "The ABCs of Diabetes." Blue Cross of Idaho: One to One Spring 2011: 6. Print.

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